For legal reasons we have included this disclaimer.
“We” refers to One Consulting and its affiliates and may or may not represent one or more persons.
As a rule of thumb, no refunds will be issued for any services or products provided by One Consulting.
One Consulting cannot guarantee that all information on this site is correct or up to date, although we do our best to ensure that it is.
We assume no responsibility for damage or loss financially or otherwise that may result (however unlikely) from using our website or services.
The information we provide at One Consulting is powerful and effective. However due to legal technicalities, we cannot guarantee 100% that it will work for you. For example, most would agree that falling from a plane at 22,000 feet without a parachute would be fatal, and in most cases it is; however it is not 100% guaranteed. Take the case of Alan Magee who fell that distance from a bomber without a parachute and survived in WW2. Even that one case in the eyes of the law negates that 100% fatality rate.